Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thank you

From Tina, Sarah, Carole and Jody:

Please accept this huge thank you to everyone who supported us to and through this amazing journey. We are all extremely grateful and touched to have had the opportunity.

Thanks to all the donors and helpers and knitters and crafters and advice-givers and drivers who did their part to make this journey easier on us and gave so generously to the moms and babes we were so lucky to support.

We attended hundreds of women and helped over 150 babies into the world. Thank you.

A huge thank you also goes to our fearless leader, Cathy and her amazing crew of preceptors/life coaches/travelling companions who also gave of their time and energy to walk along side us through the maze of international health and childbearing. And they did it with grace (literally), and empathy, and kindness, and humour, and generosity. Thank you.

And thank you to all the Ugandan health care professionals that allowed us onto their wards and into the reality of their experience. And to the Ugandan drivers and hotel staff who looked after us during our time there.

And, although I write this at the behest of Tina and Jody and Carole, I would also like to thank them, personally, for being so amazing. I am jealous of the many lucky women who will have one them as their midwife over the many years of practice to come.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Friday, July 17, 2009

The faces of "Maternal Mortality"

I am back now, in Canada, in the arms of my family and have some final reflections to share - written on the plane back from Uganda.

We are so separate from maternal death in Canada. In Uganda, it is a tangible spectre that haunts everyone involved. The staff, the women, the families.

We say in Canada that our biggest goal is "healthy mom, healthy baby." In Uganda, it is "live mom, live baby."

On our way to safari, we chat idly in our Canadian way, trying to build some camaraderie via reports of our terribly busy and important work. Our tiredness and hard work is constantly commented on by the hotel staff (who are up long before we are and work late into the night, long after we are in our beds).

We say to our driver (because we are headed on safari and we feel we deserve it. We work so hard, we see unspeakable things, we crave a swimming pool and a change of scenery)... we say we have "had a hard week. A mother has died of bleeding after childbirth."

Our driver says "yes, that happens here. That is how my wife died. Five years ago."

We die a little inside.

"I am so sorry"

"It's okay. It's okay," he says, going to fill the safari van with diesel and rocking the van to get the tank really full.

We sit with our hearts beating, the weight of reality pressing down on us.

It's not f---ing okay.

Of course not. But he is okay. He survives. He has not taken another wife because his children are still too young, he feels, and a stepmother will mistreat them. But he hopes for another wife one day. Maybe four.

I picture the woman who works at the hotel working the buffet. One day, I see her half-hidden behind the pillar, picking up one foot, and then the other to relieve the tiredness. I'll bet I sit more that she does in my daily work.

She is a sunny person. I often catch her quietly watching us. watching me, smilling at our banter and jokes. "You are well?" she asks. "We are burungi!!" [fine]

One evening she comes to our table. Sadness roles off her like fog. Carole says "are you okay??"

She pauses... it hangs in the air. Says "" and steps back just a little. It's that moment where you ask someone how they are and the surface cracks like glass at your tone or your body language and you get a painfully honest answer.

"My sister died."

"Oh no, I am so sorry"
"What happened?"


I look at this young woman standing beside me.

"Was she...pregnant?"


"Oh. no.
"Does she have other childen?"

Turns out her sister was 33 years old, leaving three older children and was buried on Sunday.

The connect is lost and she backs aways from the table like a ghost and doesn't meet our eyes for the rest of the night.

We feel the weight pressing down on us and look up pregnancy-induced hypertension in our texts at the table.

Thinking "....... Why?"

Why are they crying?

On Canada Day, we saw a woman take her last breaths.

We went to Lower Mulago with our Canadian flag pins on our chests (over the heart) [nothing seems to make you more patriotic than being away from home]. I have a bad feeling in my stomach (not related to unwashed produce) but to Cathy saying earlier that something bad usually happens on the last day on Lower Mulago.

As we walked into the room, these two non-ugandan students are sitting by the door on the bench. "oh my gosh - are you from Canada?!"

We are and they are - they are pre-med doing overseas observational placement. The purpose of observing escapes me somewhat. The only thing that keeps me sane here is knowing that at the very least I can do SOMETHING.

They chat with us and say that the woman in the first bed has lost some blood and they are looking for blood for her. She is lying with her eyes shut, breathing evenly. I don't even notice that the baby is there, lying at the foot of the bed.

So, to make and long, sad story shorter and no less sad --- she very quickly goes very downhill and dies. They can't take our blood, even though they ask for special permission. It is too late, anyhow.

I wrap the baby boy with Jody in one of our donated blankets - hating that this is the story of his birth, hoping he will be okay.

I keep myself busy the only way I know how, by working, and managing to choose the most complicated woman to help. The one who refuses all vaginal exams, the one who has not been examined in 2 days of attempts. The one whose full, full bladder is not only palpable but visible from 20 feet away.

She tells me that men have damaged her, that the doctors damaged her, that she was beaten by her mother, that it happened many years ago, that it was in the last 2 days. I do a vag exam with my pinky only (seriously) - which tells me that there is a head, low, and no cervix at the front. That's it. That is all that she can take. I do a cathetar with super sonic speed for the full, full inital bladder. She pushes for an hour, about as long as Cathy says we can let her. She is okay with me, says I am a kind one - then tells me that she will have a ceasar if I do it only, that no one else can touch her. Shit. Not going to happen. There is meconium now draining with the amniotic fluid. Shit. I ask for a consult, and the consultant does the first full VE on her (she is fighting and refusing and crushing my hand) and there is caput and mec and she is on the list for section. I am relieved, because as much as I wanted this to be a healing birth for her, the writing is on the wall. The fetal heart is consistently good. 130 140 130 150 140

I do a 2nd cathetar with super sonic speed - to prep for the inevitable surgery. That 2nd cathetar drains red bloody urine. Shit.

The soundtrack of our day is the weeping and wailing of utter grief from the dead woman's family. Desperately sad and angry tones echo and the rain pours down like tears.

She asks me why those people are crying in the hall and in the breezeway.

"Why are they crying?.... Did they lose their baby?"

"I don't know," I say, " Sorry, I can't understand what they are saying"

She listens carefully and quietly. I think she has forgotten about it.

Then she says:

"I know! They are crying because Michael Jackson has died!... I, too, am sad."

I spent hours with her, and left her, prepped for surgery, next on the list to go, with a good fetal heart rate. That was all that I could do. Sometimes that is all you can do.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Childbirth Numbers Uganda style

Rural hospitals here have like 20 births a day. Many rural hospitals in BC have 20 births/month.

Mulago hospital does like 120 births in 24 hours. Crazy.

In Mulago, we have had two sets of twins in the same day. In Masaka, we have had 3 breeches in the same week.

We now all have our numbers to “graduate.”

Although, technically, I do also need one more continuity of care. Which my husband kindly reminded me when I was "mentioning it." Thanks, honey.

We have seen so much here and been with so many women in labour -- women of every circumstance.

Women with large, supportive families, and women who have nobody. Nobody.

I have supported women who were accountants and teachers and also women whose occupations were listed as:

- and my favorite...... "hawker"

I have supported women who were closer to my children in age, than to me.

And I have supported women who were prematurely aged beyond what I would have thought possible. Aged by hardship and poverty and hard physical work and personal sadness.

I have supported a Gravida 10, Para 9, through a safe birth and to a healthy baby, only to find out later that 5 of her other children had died in early infancy. And this baby was now back in to the hospital, admitted to the nursery and very sick.

So many stories.

HIV testing

I went to antenatal and learned about HIV testing. The tests are like pregnancy tests and give results in 30 minutes. In Kampala, I watched as the blood samples from 7 pregnant women and their 7 husbands were tested. I watched the control lines turn and saw 13 negative tests. And one that was positive.

The positive was one of the women and her husband was negative. I talked to the lab tech about what they do. He retested the husband and wife’s samples with all three of the available types of tests. She was confirmed as positive and he was negative. And sitting right outside. Waiting.

The system is that the couples or women arrive, are interviewed for a health history, go to a pre-test counselling session, go to the lab for the HIV blood draw, wait for the results, go to post-test counselling to receive the results, then go get palpated, get their BP taken and then go.
It was a cruddy feeling knowing that someone’s life was about to change forever. But better to know. And the perinatal period is a window for accessing women for testing, and a critical time to know status for reducing mother to child transmission.

As I went back later to show Carole the lab, I saw an increasing pile of test strips on the counter and on one perforated card 5 of 10 tests were positive.

“You do not have this struggle in Canada”

“You must clearly label the husband and wife’s tests as you do not want to give the wrong person the disease.”

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Bad Moment

I was at the high risk ward at Mulago Hospital with Jody and Angela (preceptor). The obstetricians were just doing Rounds with the Residents and medical students. There were about 6 of them grouped at the end of one bed. They finished with that mother and casually said "We can't hear the fetal heart, but it doesnt mean the baby is dead. The head is right there. She will deliver soon." I asked one of the Residents if I could try to detect the fetal heart with my fetoscope (can usually pick up sounds better than the pinard that is used here in Uganda). He said sure and I grabbed my fetoscope and went back to the bed. As I got there, I realized that the mother was silently pushing and the baby's head was already partially out. I called out "Help, somebody,the head is right there." The group of doctors at the bed right beside me didnt even turn around. I was not gloved, had no ties, no cloths to wipe baby dry, no razor, no oxytocin. I was telling the mother to "TOE SINDACA" (DONT PUSH), and managed to get my gloves on (at least one hand double gloved). Jody and Angela were trying to get on gloves - they had been putting an IV into another woman. I guided the little body out and knew right away he wasn't breathing. I was calling for help, and the group of doctors still didnt turn around. One man glanced over his shoulder as my voice got more urgent, and then turned away. "We need a resus here" I told Jody and Angela. By then, they were there, with the few very important items we needed. I cut the cord and Angela and Jody ran with the baby to the resuscitation room. Despite 10 minutes of positive pressure ventilation and chest compressions, the little boy never took a breath, never had a heartbeat. They had to come back and tell the mother, who sobbed and sobbed. The doctors never looked at her again. I was so very angry. It was said best by one of the head obstetricians at a meeting we had been at another day - Doctors here must start treating EVERY woman like their relative if there are to be changes in obstetrical care here in Uganda.


The Other Side of Working in Uganda

Many of you tell us you have been keeping up with our posts so for those of you who have, you will know we have tried to mix up the things we've posted. We have funny posts, descriptions of Ugandan life and lots of birth stories. It is only now that I feel like I can post on my reflections on the harder side of working in the free hospital in an undeveloped country (if you like that term)in a major city.

Birth here for the most part happens well, narcotic free, and both mother and baby are okay - particularly in Ward 14 where we work. This ward is considered low risk and it is staffed exclusively by midwives. There is no obstetrician, no operating room and no pain medication. We have worked for 6 weeks without instruments and often we do not have supplies first thing in the morning (with shift change). But since we travel with our basic supplies (gloves, medication etc...) it is rare that the what we need is not available at all (its more likely they are in safe keeping for a "real" emergency).

Sometime though, this isn't the case. Like the day we walked in to the high risk labour room and a mother, who had bled for hours after delivery, took her last breaths. Sarah and Cathy had the same blood type and offered to do a transfusion but it was too late. I wrapped her baby while the rest of our team helped with the mom. Minutes later we could hear the yells of the family outside - which continued for what felt like hours. Someone commented that luckily the baby was a boy - if not the family might have chosen not to take the baby home.

The next day Tina and I went to rounds and both of us felt the impact of hearing that the mother's death could have been prevented. Perhaps earlier action? but at the very least just getting her a blood transfusion (the hospital was out of her blood type). This would not have happened at home.

The other part of our work that I find most troubling is seeing babies born to ill (e.g. malaria in pregnancy) or malnourished moms. In our country again this normally doesn't happen. Where it does, a care provider often will have "caught" the problem and supports can be put in place. Here there is no one who is consistently able to help other than family, if they can afford it, and it seems most women coming to the busy free hospital are from families who are not able to help.

One recent example is Fatima's baby. He was born earlier this week and Tina and I happened to be hanging around for the birth - another medical student was catching. When he was delivered he needed to be resucitated and had many other problems. The next day we found out he needed an ultrasound that the mother could not afford. So Tina and I paid 10,000 shillings ($5 USD) and he is now being referred to a specialist. If the specialist recommends follow-up tests or surgery what will happen to that baby? Will the family be able to afford to get him care?

The reality here is much different in many ways and yet the experience of birth in Uganda has touched me not only in these ways but in the same way birth does at home. The strength of the women and their resilience is truly inspiring. Each birth brings learning to my life, joy to my heart and peace to my soul. I hope in some way the moms and midwives I worked with in my time here understand how much they have given me and I hope I have helped in some little way to make their journey better.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Suck it up Buttercup

One of our new favorite sayings on our trip has been Suck it up Buttercup - which has now just been shortened to using Buttercup as a nick name anytime one of us starts whining about our "troubles" in Uganda. Read this post and then our next one and you will see why there has been little sympathy for our "tough" times.

Here are the Buttercup moments we've had so far:

- eating white toast and a boiled egg for 39 days in a row;
- white shirts, shoes and our feet permamently stained an odd orange/brown colour;
- random sewage (and other) smells and leaping an open sewer every day en route to the hospital;
- soaping up to discover there isn't enough water to wash the shampoo from our hair;
- not having a toilet seat for almost 3 weeks;
- working in Labour & Delivery, with lots of bodily fluids, and no running water; and
- almost being run over by a Boda-Boda (again).


One of the things I noticed when I first arrived in Uganda was the scarcity of people around my own age, early 50's. Cathy Ellis explained that many people of that generation were wiped out in the original AIDS epidemic. Uganda today is a leader in Africa for actually reducing the rate of people with AIDS. On the wards, we are all acutely aware of the risk of infection. We are taught how to protect ourselves: double gloving, careful disposal of sharps, awareness of all body fluids, eye protection, rubber aprons for delivery, hand washing, anti-bacterial gels. One of the first things we check on a chart is the woman's "TR" status - "TR" means tested negative for HIV, "TRR" means tested positive for HIV. One day last week, we attended 6 young women. Two were having their first baby, 1 was having her second baby, and 3 were having their third baby. All were between the ages of 19 and 23. Five out of the 6 were positive for HIV. As I tended to these women, I wasn't thinking anymore about my risk. I was protected from head to toe. Instead I was thinking about those 5 young women, infected with HIV, their newborn child and their families at home. That is the real tragedy.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Blue flowered dress Girl

On one of our crazy days on lower mulago, we were running off our feet and trying to triage all the labouring women. This girl in a blue flowered dress was labouring away, alone, all day in a middle bed. We kept asking, each of us, what is the deal with the blue flowered dress?

"PG (primagravida), 4 cms"

and we would have to move past her to deal with the 9cms with bulging membranes that continually come through the door. Over and over.

At the end of the day, Carole was finally able to look at her chart and read that she was 15 yrs old. And "single." Carole was so moved, as the mother of a 15 year old boy, to think of her child being in that situation.

Sarah for Carole.

Remember blue flowered dress girl. We will.

Hand-washing our big girl the dark

So, Carole and I are back in Masaka for our last week of catching those babies. We had a nice 4 day adventure to see some animals, and are now working hard. The hotel has had frequent power outages, so that makes our evenings exciting! Sigh.

For some reason, the birth gods are kicking our butt and there have been lots of mamas and babies to attend to. We were very busy on Monday and Tuesday, but only 1 birth today. Lots of c-sections for failed trial of scar.

We had some sadness. Yesterday afternoon, a fresh still birth was carried in from a uterine rupture that was transferred in. This morning we found out that the mother had died. The baby was unclaimed all day. Sad sad sad.

We made friends with a sweet little 4 day old baby with Vit K deficiency bleeding. He was very unwell but quite a scrappy little guy. Carole nicknamed him "Spike" because there was a bulldog on the little hat we gave him. So, think of Spike tonight and we hope and pray he is okay tomorrow.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Big Girl Panties

On Monday Tina and I put on our “big girl panties” and made our way to the hospital for the start of our time without preceptors. It was a tough experience with 4 out of 5 births including unnecessary episiotomies (cuts to the woman’s perineum) done by the hospital staff (not us!). We were worried to say the least. But by the end of the week we are pleased to be conducting the births on our own and even managing problems like post partum haemorrhage and shoulder dystocia.

We’ve been asked to talk to the staff about how we chart and why – the head Midwife likes what we’ve been taught (thanks UBC and our various preceptors). They are also interested in us demonstrating sterile water injections for women with back labour (I’m injecting Tina of course). We’ve moved from the role of students to colleagues. The midwives are even calling us “Sister” – a term of respect. We are both very excited about our final week here in the hospital and in Kampala.

We are much more comfortable in the city, on the streets and at the markets. We’ve even found our own short cuts and have walked at least half of the city. We even bargained for a pineapple from a guy on the road with a wheelbarrow full (saved twenty cents at least). Now we are counting down - 9 sleeps (and who knows how many babies) until we are home.

Jody and Tina

Ugandan Road Hierarchy

(in increasing order of importance)

Pedestrians - Lowest of the low. Step onto road at your own peril. Even if you are halfway across, whatever is approaching you at top speed has the right of way.

Bicycles – Low. Must give way to everything except a pedestrian, including flinging self and bicycle into bushes on the side of the road to avoid impact.

Boda-Boda – Actually 2 designations. Lowest of all motorized vehicles. Highest of all non-motorized users. Will actively run pedestrians off paths, leap unbidden between rows of traffic, run the wrong way on the streets, use sidewalks instead of roads, carry treacherously wide loads of sugar cane, swerve endlessly directly at the mzungo (foreigner) from any direction to offer a ride.

Cars – Medium. Have to be vigilant for bigger vehicles.

Trucks/Matatu (small buses). Medium-high. By dint of their heavy exhaust and slow uphill speeds they can cause road chaos behind them.

Big Buses. High. These vehicles go at high speeds wherever and whenever they want to, including passing up hills, around curves, when there is no room, when there is oncoming traffic, forcing everyone else below them on the hierarchy to GET-OUT-OF-THE-WAY.

Chickens. Highest. Will bring even the biggest buses to a halt to give the poor chickens time to get across the road.

Sharp Sharp, Where’s the Sharp?

One of the first things we learn as health care providers is to properly dispose of your sharp. A sharp is defined as anything that could cut skin. Examples include a needle, a broken vial of medication, the top off a broken vial or even used razors. Here in hospital things are a bit different. We quickly learned to play the game “Sharp Sharp, Where’s the Sharp?” For reasons we don’t understand, disposal of sharps here is very casual, and therefore, incredibly dangerous. It could be here, it could be there, in fact it could be anywhere. Underfoot, underhand, on windowsill or hiding in with clean supplies. So we remain ever vigilant and have learned to start our day with a quick round of the game and have repeated rounds throughout the day as necessary.

Tina and Jody

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

One month in, our thoughts so far...

So we have been in Uganda for one month, which is hard to believe. Between the four of us we have caught 99 babies. We have experienced:
-8 sets of twins, one face presentation, one shoulder presentation and seven breeches (not to mention lots of post-partum hemorrhages, shoulder dystocias and resuscitations)
-babies with cleft lip and palate, ambiguous genitalia, spina bifida and polydactyl (more than 10 fingers and toes)
-moms who seized from high blood pressure
-and mostly, we have had moms who have birthed their babies without ANY complications

Our favorite moments have been (besides talking with our families):

-a mom with a baby with cleft palate who we worried wouldn’t bond with her baby and she loved that baby so much
-when Grace (our preceptor) had her finger sucked by a baby in utero (inside the mom) which made her scream
-working for 2.5 hours and delivering 12 babies in that time
-walking into a room to catch a baby, deliver a placenta and chart (while standing up, holding a b.p. cuff and other supplies) without even thinking about it

Our hardest moments (besides missing our families):

-unnecessary episiotomies (cuts to the woman’s perineum) for 4 out of 5 births in one day (not done by us of course)
- being unable to get the arms down for a breech baby that when he was finally born never had a heartbeat and wouldn’t come around no matter what we tried
-a 15 year old GIRL labouring in a blue flowered dress, scared and alone
- anytime I found a baby who didn’t make it (or a row of them on a cart)
- every mom trying to get through childbirth with malaria and/ or HIV

Our funniest moments:

-almost missing the plane in London because we needed “one last glass of wine”
-loading 11 bags, 5 carry-ons and 6 people into one “rickety van”
-discovering a breech by the preceptor pointing out the meconium (baby pooh) on my glove
-a breech that literally “flew out”

Favorite food:
-the first night of buffet at the Zebra

Worst food:
- the last night of the buffet at the Zebra

... see you in 2 weeks... xoxoxox

Carole, Jody, Sarah and Tina

African Directions - From the Zebra to the Danish NGO

From the top of the hill, look down across the pasture and over the road. See the big building with all the scaffolding. Look past it to the building with the red roof (most of the buildings have red roofs). Turn right onto the path where you see the long horned brown cow with 2 white birds. Walk down that path until you see the wall covered with the beautiful bouganvillea (most of the walls have bouganvillea). The Danish NGO is right across from that wall. Stand outside the gap in the fence and read the sign that says "Uganda Child Care", decide it's not the right place, return to your hotel and try again. Oh and by the way, it's not actually called the Danish NGO. Hope to see you there!

Tina and Jody

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Two funny posts: I am so sorry and "hair" conditioning

I am so sorry

This may be the main catch phrase that we pick up from our time in Uganda.
The Ugandan people are so empathetic to clumsy people.

Like me, who missed a step entering a room and the Ugandan women who watched me spectactularly arrive, said, “oh, I am SO sorry.” They seem very very very sorry. Not just sorry that I am so clumsy, but like they are apologizing on behalf of the shoddy construction or that the architect that could have designed such a dangerous step. [Carole told me she missed the same step entering the same room]

Or, like the time that our uniforms weren’t ready in the morning for us to go to the hospital and the “concierge” guy at the hotel looked completely stricken and went “oh, I AM SO sorry. It has rained.” ....looking totally stricken..... “It must have rained on them on the line.” .....looks like he might cry.... “Oh, sorry, so sorry.” [exactly in the tone that you might use if someone’s gramma died].

The response from us is always. “Oh, it’s okay. Really. It’s okay. We’ll figure it out...” [please don’t cry].

Getting –hair- conditioned

So, my hair is getting really out of hand in Kampala. Surprise, surprise. Note to any strangers: I have (the potential for) CRAZY hair. My hair also hated Prince George. Kampala and Prince George. GO figure.

So Carole and I walked to the Mulago Hospital in Kampala one morning and I swear my shadow looked like Animal from the Muppets! Seriously. Boing boing boing.

Which I was okay with, as on the wards I wear my blue bandana. It calms the hair and absorbs the copious sweat. Bonus!

Carole and I had long talks making fun of my hair. She gave me professional advice.
Then, the funny thing was when Cathy spontaneously told me that she had hair conditioner that I could borrow. Poor Cathy, as Carole and I broke down into gales of laughter. Then, the next morning, I opened the door and the hair conditioner was perched perkily on our stoop.

So, I did actually condition my hair on separate days with both Cathy and Carole`s conditioner.
Then Carole looks at me, sighs and says ``you know what, I actually think you need hair products!``

Friday, June 26, 2009

In The Eye of the Storm

Jody, Grace and I left Masaka today to return to Kampala. Grace and I decided to spend a late afternoon shift on Lower Mulago in Kampala. We arrived on the Ward at about 3:30 pm, changed into our white uniforms, loaded up our pockets with gloves and supplies and headed to the labour room. We arrived in time to see one baby lying on a bed in a pool of amniotic fluid. There was a first year medical student, Paul, standing there. It was the first birth he had seen. The Sister was cleaning up and welcomed us. Twenty minutes later, we had our first birth. Twenty-five minutes later, we had our second birth. In the next thirty minutes, we had 3 more births. There are only 6 beds in this ward. We had forced one mom off a bed to put another mom on it who was actively pushing her baby out. The mom we had asked to move was now standing at the base of the bed, delivering her baby. We barely caught that baby. We were ripping the tops off our gloves to try to tie umbilical cords and rushing for oxytocin to prevent post partum haemorrhage. Barely ten minutes after the mom birthed standing, another mom called us from the door. Before we could reach her, with a sickening thud, her baby was expelled onto the floor. The cord tore. I grabbed onto the placenta end of the cord while Grace grabbed the baby and Paul ripped the top off his gloves so Grace could tie off the little bit of cord left attached to the baby. Then, I delivered another baby while Grace caught the first of a set of twins. I caught the second twin, a footling breech ( feet coming first) baby. Another mom was birthing in the hall. Two moms needed suturing. Another mom was bleeding. I caught a little preemie that only weighed 1.9 grams. We barely got him breathing when we were called to another bedside. We finally had to leave. It was getting dark outside, 6:50 pm. There had been 12 babies born in under 2 1/2 hours. We knew no mothers' names. We left with more babies coming. It was a storm.


A week in Kampala

Carole and I had a good week in Kampala. We worked at the Emergency Skills Workshop Monday and Tuesday. It was fun to be involved in the teaching and PPH demonstration with plastic torsos and water and red colouring. It is amazing how many people underestimate blood loss, which is profound in what could be an unhealthy, anaemic mother.

We attended 9 births this week. Carole and I alternate births whenever possible, being the super awesome 2nd attendant for each other. It is amazing how quickly your mind organizes and prioritizes. We are both getting fast at anticipating each others needs.

I am "improving" my IV skills and Carole is getting super duper awesomely quick and speedy. And I am hardly jealous at all because she just slides that IV in on my PPH mama.

We have met. again, more lovely Ugandan moms and bright eyed babes. Cathy could be a hockey goalie with her sliding in to catch the babes coming on the floor.

We are all together now in Kampala. So more adventures to come.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

One Moment of Pain

Jody and I arrived on the ward at Masaka Hospital Tuesday morning. There on the shelf were the wrapped bodies of 3 babies that had died. One was wrapped in paper, a tiny premature infant that had been there since the weekend. The other 2 babies were wrapped in beautiful cloths. One mother was sitting in absolute silence on her bed. Two young dads quietly entered. They had each come for their wife and their baby. They were both so very thin, their clothes hanging on them. They each took their wrapped bundle, tenderly placed their baby in a suitcase and zipped it closed. I felt an overwhelming moment of absolute sadness at the personal tragedy happening in front of me. I carefully opened the door so they could leave the ward. They thanked me for opening the door. I nearly cried.


There's a hippo outside our tent!

Jody, Grace (our preceptor) and I were camping on the shoreline of Lkae Mburu, the smallest National Park in Uganda. We had come for a 2 day, 1 night mini safari. We had already had a game drive and seen zebras, antelopes, impalas, Cape buffalo (mean nasty beasts that charge you if you get too close), monkeys and bush bucks. And oh yes, wart hogs. Think The Lion King and Pumba and you have it. So ugly they are cute, many needing a hairdressing appointment, warthogs. Hundreds. Loved them. We had also been on a boat trip and seen dozens of hippos and 2 five metre long crocodiles. We were wakened Sunday morning by an animal of some kind snorting, snuffling and booming outside of our tent. "That's a wart hog isn't it?" we asked each other. "Yeah" we agreed and drifted back to sleep. Minutes later Grace hollered "Get up, there are hippos!" Sure enough, a herd of young male hippos had been grazing around our tents and were currently in the water playing with each other. It is hard to describe what it is like watching giant beasts play with each other, but playing they were!


A day in our life in Uganda

Tina and I have spent all of our time together in Uganda so Carole and Sarah may have a different take on their average day. But to give you a sense of what we are up to with our time, here is a typical day for midwifery students volunteering in Uganda.

0645 – the alarm on Cathy’s cell phone, which we borrowed to call home, rings. We curse the alarm that won’t stop ringing. We vow, as we do each morning, to get Grace to fix it and lay there listening to the sound of the broom sweeping outside our window.

0715 – get dressed and bags packed, head outside to breakfast – white toast (no butter), bananas and a boiled egg. In Masaka, subsitute scrambled eggs and potatoes with green peppers and onions plus Matooke (cooked green banana) with last nights leftover beef mixed in. Instant coffee is available, we opt for African tea and add an extra tea bag.

0745 – enjoy the fresh pineapple and remember to take malaria prevention medication but sip African Tea instead.

0815 – leave for the hospital, arrive very sweaty and start in the ward at 0845 for ‘handover’, hope there are no major complications that day and no stillbirths in the night. Greet our fellow students and the midwives with 'Wasu zo tya Nyabo' - make them laugh at us with our funny words.

0845 – look in the supply cupboard to see what they have for the day, clean up the sharps left in the beds, on the floors, in the sink. Wash the beds and get ready for whatever will come, usually one or two births by noon.

1145 – clean up after the births by dumping the heavy black plastic from the bed into the garbage, clean the plastic for the mom to reuse with bleach called Jik with a tiny piece of cotton or if we can find one - a luxury most days - a rag. Dump Jik on the floor and sweep it into the gutters that line the room. Send our moms to post partum and hope they don’t ‘escape’ and go home instead.

1200 – check in the early labour room to see how many mothers are waiting and what stage they are at, chart assessments and get ready for more births.

1400 – bathroom break and a few sips of water (sometimes).

1500 – start thinking about leaving, make a plan to leave but get caught up in another birth.

1700 – leave the hospital, walk ‘home’ and either stop at the internet place hoping it will be working or just go home to eat dinner (since we never get to eat lunch), one of us can call home.

1900 – have 1 beer on the deck (Tina won’t let me have a 2nd) talk about the day and then go back to our rooms to shower, hand wash our clothes from the day and hang them to dry. Try not to slip on the wet floor.

2000 – sort and pack the supplies for the next day, write in our journals and record our births. Tina wonders if she took her anti-malarials. Reflect on the day, the babies that needed our help, the strength of the mothers and the differences between here and home.

2015 – read our books with our headlamps on (I am in LOVE with my headlamp), the music starts outside, complain that we’ll never sleep. Fall asleep two minutes later to dream of the next day…


Saturday, June 20, 2009

What to talk about

Sometimes it is hard to think of what to blog or to journal or what to talk about on the phone.
This is because there are so many wonderous and painful and heartbreaking and joyful and funny and colourful moments in every second of time here.

In my almost 3 weeks here (and less than 3 weeks on the wards) I have attended 29 births. I have almost passed my Canada birth numbers.

More than that, we have used almost all our emergency skills (except for that one that will not be named because we don’t want to jinx ourselves). We have dealt with severe PPH, each done bimanual compression, removed clots, assisted/observed manual removal of the placenta, delivered stillbirths, done PPV, dealt with shoulder dystocia, delivered breeches, delivered twins, supported moms who are HIV + , have malaria, gone to “theatre” (the operating room) to do rescusitation, and we have sutured a few tears (while learning great ways to reduce the risk of tears!!).

I have assisted with surgery for an ectopic pregnancy, I have taken complex health histories cross-culturally (with translation from the Jinja midwifery students), and I have kept cool in the intensity of dealing with loss. I have also experienced very sweet moments of connection with moms and babes.

I have worked with 3 awesome classmates, 4 amazing Canadian preceptors and many, many amazing Ugandan Doctors and midwives and students. They have all taken time to teach and share and learn and laugh and sometimes cry. But also, have taken the time to connect. I feel like the reality of this placement forces you to step up and take on your role, as midwife, to safely and respectfully and carefully support each mom through labour and through a time that she fears in a very profound way. Because she knows that taking this journey could mean she could die or her baby could die. And to see, first hand, that lack of resources means loss of life, in a very real way, everyday for women in Uganda. And to see, first hand, how hard they try to save lives with very little.
I am in awe of the health care professionals that do this everyday here. I am in awe of the women who carry themselves with such grace through the pain of labour and childbirth and poverty.

Thank you.

A rare and lovely day.... off

Carole and I are having a rare and lovely day off. So we slept in – ish – although carole was up at 6:00am!

I ate a quick breakfast (Carole and I got an offer by the hotel owner to be fixed up with his brothers and had to disappoint him with our unmarriagable status) and then I hand washed my laundry. We walked to town and to the bank. We love the bank because it has a “sindica” sign on the door, translating to “push” and this is the lugandan word we are quite familiar with in our work. (along with “to sindica” [don’t push] and “wega wega” [pant])

The bank was packed on a Saturday morning, so we decided to just head onto the internet cafe to wait for Cathy and Prossy (our Ugandan midwife friend) and Irene (our Zambian nurse-midwife friend). We paid $1000 shillings for 22 minutes of internet time (about .50 cents US) and checked our e-mail.

Then, Cathy, Irene and Prossy arrived and we CROSSED THE BUSY STREET (which we have never done) and went down crumbling concrete stairs and through a narrow alley to the market area. We have been here almost 2 weeks and had never ventured in that area. It was full of colours and so many stores selling cloth and caftans and scarves and sandals and many, many places selling very frilly little girl dresses. Prossy helped with the prices, because no prices are actually attached to anything. There was much negotiation . Prossy also held my hand to cross the streets, taught me how to hide my money and took Carole’s pulse when we commented on how tired Carole seemed.

A little girl (about 3) came running up to me with total delight on her face and I thought she was going to jump in my arms. She was so happy to see me, it was kind of like when my daughter Hannah sees the A&W Rootbear Mascot at the Billy Barker Day’s parade. This was somewhat more fun of an experience than yesterday evening (we were so tired after our day at the hospital), when a group of school children pointed and laughed at us trudging up the hill to the hotel and the guys on bicycles at the top applauded when we made it to the top. Har har. But like I said to Jody, we are funny looking.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

You have soiled yourself.

So - yes - I have soiled myself. Did a crazy delivery and you get the baby out and you get the sharps put safely away and you give a healthy baby to a relieved mom. And then, as I run to chart, a sister says to me 'ah, you have soiled yourself! You clean up!' - meaning I had a speck of blood on my knee.

Never, never soil yourself. Very frowned upon. As are panty lines! I thought the baby delivery was an accomplishment, but the true, TRUE accomplishment is a usual human messy delivery where you magically retain a spotless white uniform. So, today, I delivered a breech first twin and then Carole delivered the 2nd breech twin, and I delivered-ish the twin placentas. and was spotless!!! Yay. A good day. I did not 'fail.'

Busy Day's

This week in Masaka has been crazy. Not busy with lots of births but busy with multiple births. Monday this week I had a mom deliver her baby, and lucky Cathy noticed that the baby was smaller than expected, and she said "Dont give the oxytocin!" There was a twin! So I got to deliver my first set of twins. First was a lovely little boy weighing around 2.3kg and the second was a girl weighing about 2.8kg, both cephalic. Both were in good condition.
Then the next day (Tuesday) we had a mom transfer in who had travelled in from 1.5hrs away and the first twin had delivered in the taxi (who did not make it) then the second was retained, when she arrived at the hospital. We attended to her quickly. She was breech. So Sarah and I helped Prossy deliver the breech, which then need Neonatal rescesitation, PPV for 15 min, that I and Prossy did together. Finally the baby came around and breathed on its own. Thank God!!
Yesterday, we had a mom come in that I was attending to she was a Gravida 8, Para 7 I thought the baby would fall out when she sneezed. It did not, strange. On my first vaginal exam I felt a head, on the next a few hours later I felt lots of lumpy bits. So I asked Grace to come check because I could not figure out the presenation. She checked and checked and checked and could not be sure. So we let her go for a little while longer and then Grace checked again and while she was doing the vaginal exam, she jumped, pulled her hand out and squealed. I was shocked thinking what the heck did she do that for and the mom was somewhat shocked. Then Grace explained the baby just sucked her finger through the amniotic sac! It was a face presentation. So we got one of Sarah's mini textbooks that she brings to the hospital (we love Sarah) and found out there was a chance the baby could be turned. So Grace searched for the OB to turn it. He told her to do it. So she did. It worked!!! We had to leave before the mom delivered but we found out today that she birth vaginaly, and Grace saved her from a C/S.
Today Thursday, I cut my first episiotomy, it was necessary. A 17 year old prima gravida, the baby was not fitting well, and it was a tight fit. We tried everything else. The episiotomy did the trick, and she had a SVD of a baby boy.
Then Sarah was attending to a mom who was HIV positive, and was a gravida 5. She was in a lot of pain, and needed a lot of support. Sarah did a vaginal exam and was not sure of what she was feeling. Grace looked at Sarah's glove and it had fresh meconium on it (very fresh). Grace say's that is a breech baby. So Sarah prepares for the delivery, while going over all the manuvers for the breech. The baby starts to deliver, and just falls out, plop! Grace say's wait...there is a second baby. We check and the second is also a breech. So I was able to deliver the second. The second did need the manuvers and we delivered two healthy babies, one girl and one boy. No rescess or anything. Wow, what an experience!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Escaping the Riot in Kampala!

So – we escaped from the riot in Kampala! It was the real thing – burning buildings, police, riot gear, people running, road blocks, thick black smoke. What was really crazy is that we actually missed the whole thing. Yup. Went to the hospital, did our usual catch a few babies thing, walked back home (we are actually calling the Modest Inn – home), packed up and hopped into our Matatu (big van that can seat around 14 people) for our trip to Masaka with our preceptors Angela and Grace. That is when we found out about the riot happening in the city. The most exciting thing about the riot for us is that we got to do this crazy detour. Our driver and our personal-door-opener took handfuls of change. Then they took us to this new, just finished road. It had about 7 different road blocks on its length. The road blocks consisted of logs with big spikes driven into them. Different people manned these road blocks. They each had to be bribed. Some with the coins, some with the information that the Matatu was carrying “white doctors that deliver babies”. Then Angela would gracefully stick her head with its lovely white hair out the window, wave elegantly like Queen Elizabeth and yell “Webale” (thank-you) at the road blockers. She got so carried away with her role that at one point she forgot what country she was in and yelled “Gracias”! We ended up detouring the riot and had a wonderful drive to Masaka. We stopped at the Equator so we could straddle the north and south hemispheres! I know it seems kinda silly, but it was actually pretty amazing! Now we help with the Emergency Obstetrical Skills Course (that teaches emergency obstetrics like haemorrhage, breech birth, neonatal resuscitation, etc) here in Masaka for the next 2 days before we start going to the Labour and Delivery ward here. Still can't believe that WE ARE IN AFRICA!!!

Jody and Tina

Last Day on Ward 14

We had our last day in Kampala on Tuesday because we are heading for Masaka to join the rest of the UBC group. We got a very special send-off. Two of the senior Ugandan midwives, Sisters Sarah and Florence, came to meet us when we finished changing. They called us “A-one professional midwives” and said we were "the liveliest” group they had ever had. Then they took our measurements (we guess they are making something for us). Then they took all our backpacks, bags and paraphernalia and insisted on carrying everything for us. They said that by carrying all our things it showed their respect for us and that it meant that we would come back! We are so very touched by what they did for us. We definitely plan to come back and spend our last week with them!

Jody and Tina

Friday, June 12, 2009

Water birth in Uganda

Yesterday we had a mom who was pregnant for the 7th time and had already birthed 6 children. In assessment she had been 6cm dilated and she proceeded to the labour ward where Sarah and I were waiting. I did my usual assessment, but I did not do a vaginal exam because she had just had one. I was later informed that she had HIV and she was very ill with some other illness that we were unsure of. Cathy did not want me to get too close because she was concerned she may hav Tuberculosis. So as I sat behind the curtain discussing TB with Micky I heard a grunt, so I got up and so did Sarah. I looked over Sarah's shoulder and saw the baby's head already born, and I pushed Sarah out of the way and yelled the baby is almost out and I have NO GLOVES ON!!! Cathy came running and helped pluck the baby out of the pool of amniotic fluid. Learning moment: don't leave a gravida 7 alone for a second!!!!!

Everyday is an adventure

Sarah and I have come to Masaka. Everyday we get up and head off to the hospital we wonder what we will encounter. So far we have attended to women living with HIV who are in labour. Many of these women are sick with other sicknesses as well. One mom also had Maleria and when the baby was born it was maserated, it was very sad. We have had 2 postpartum hemorrhages where we had to do bimanual compressions. Thank God Micky arrived with medications to help stop the bleeding. Some of these women may have died at home if they experienced the same amount of blood loss while being sick. We had the opportunity today to go to one of the local villages to meet some of the traditional birth attenants. They run a medical center with no gloves, no medications and no nomal saline or IV equiptment. These people need supplies. But they work without. It is unbelievale. Sarah and I have been resuscitating babies almost every day. Many midwives here have not been able to be trained in NRP, but things are slowly changing. We were on the ward in the hospital and there was no normal saline available to start an IV, we were thankful that no one was bleeding at that moment, otherwise things would have gotten scary. I am so impressed how the midwives here can work with so few supplies. They have about 2 maternal deaths a month in the hospital we are working in. We feel like we have been learning more in 2 weeks than we could learn in 1 year in Canada.

Our first week in Masaka

First of all, Masaka is BEAUTIFUL!!! Carole and I are good roomies, I think, and seem to work togther very well. I would have Carole as my 2nd attendant for life, if I could.

I am in charge of shushing loud people drinking late into the night, and Carole is in charge of organizing bags. That sounds about right.

I have been to 19 births in my 11 days here. I honestly feel like the experiences you have here are like a super condensed 2nd and 3rd and probably 4th year of midwifery school all in a week. This week we experienced all the grief and joy that pregnancy and birth brings. We attended two women who were losing their babies (24 and 28 week stillbirths). One of those moms was very, very sick with TRR (aka HIV +) and malaria.

We had a mom with TRR who had a severe post-partum hemorrhage so I was feeling the adrenaline and Cathy handed off the bimanual compression to me. So, double gloved and manual compression of the uterus. We had a bit of a sticky shoulder, but no shoulder dystocia this week (although I had that in Kampala, and it resolved with the disimpaction of the anterior shoulder). So we figure next week will bring some new emergency skill.

We had a baby with ambigious genitalia and some IUGR or preterm or "what exactly are your dates?" babies. We have been here to help some very young mothers deliver some very, very cute babies! And Carole had an exciting Gravida 7 that delivered very rapidly, but maybe I'll let her tell that one.

The midwives are very kind here, and let you be. Sometimes they think our slow delivery of the head is a problem and they want us to get the moms to blast the baby out. But we reassure that the heart rate is good and we slowly deliver the head. I am getting some amazing hands on training on slow slow slow delivery of the head and am VERY grateful to have it. Cathy and Mickey are very good teachers, generous with their time, patient and fun.

We are getting used to being Mzungus (non-africans) and Carole and I have each now made small children cry with our unexpected and scary pale faces.

I am so grateful to be here with these women and these teachers and these Ugandan health care professionals. I feel like I have grown and blossomed even in the short, short time I have been part of this world.

I will post when I can. I have taken like 500 photos but am having trouble with the time to post.


Hard Moments - Lovely Moments

As everybody already knows, birth can be quite a paradox, really hard stuff coupled with unbelievably joyous moments. On Ward 14 this week, we have had lots of both.

Yesterday, I walked into the same room where Jody had her undiagnosed twin birth the day before. This day there were 3 women on the 3 beds squeezed into a room that is about 5 feet wide by 10 feet long. The sun was pouring into the window. The woman on the farthest bed was pushing. I wasn't too sure what I was seeing, then realized it was a very swollen testicle - an undiagnosed breech baby (baby coming bum first). In Canada, with a first time mom, that usually means a caesarean section. Here it meant that the woman had to get up, make her way down the length of the ward and get to a bed where we could deliver the breech. The first part of the breech, came easily. With Angela's help I got the legs out and most of the torso. Then I couldn't deliver the arms. Jody was calling the time for us. You have 4 minutes to deliver a breech. Angela took over, and the Ugandan Midwives tried. But we couldn't get the arms out. For 6 minutes. Despite doing all the "right things". When we finally got the arms down, the head delivered easily. But the baby never took a breath, never had a heartbeat. Despite over 10 minutes of resuscitation by me and Jody including positive pressure ventilation and chest compressions, repositioning, checking equipment, repositioning, checking, checking, PPV, checking again. When we told the Mom, she wailed and wailed. Grief is the same everywhere. You just have to be there, keep holding on. We wrapped the baby and placed him where you place FSB (fresh still birth) babies. He was the second baby to be placed there since midnight. It was one of the hard moments.

And then today. Again, we arrived at Ward 14 and were changing when we heard the unmistakable sounds of women birthing their babies. We looked out our door and realized that two women were delivering in the hallway, with no one with them. Jody, Angela and I got our gloves on and went out. My mom pushed out her lovely daughter within 5 minutes. Baby breathed immediately, cried immediately. Mom cried too. Her first baby, last year, a daughter, had been one of the FSB babies. Today she got to snuggle down with her new little one, smiling her gratitude, the baby dressed in one of the beautiful sweaters someone in Canada knitted, swaddled in one of the lovely receiving blankets, holding onto a little doll that someone created. It was one of the lovely moments.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Where are we in Kampala?

So, it has taken me a little while, but I finally realized that we are actually living in a poorer area of Kampala. I figured that out when our driver - yes we have our own driver - took us to the post office, past the really fancy hotels and big beautiful homes. Hmmm. Maybe all the barbed wire and cooking fires - and just plain fires burning garbage on the corners - should have been a give away. Seriously, we do have barbed wire. But most of the barbed wire has absolutely gorgeous flowers growing all over it. And if the flowers are not enough, there are usually broken beer bottles artfully arranged and cemented down on top of the high fences. We do have a security guard (aka 17 year old with a rifle) at our iron gate. But, he has a great smile and has let us take his picture! The houses are mostly corrugated iron or brick. There are alot of people around, especially alot of young men on their boda-boda's (aka motorcycles) because there is a really high unemployment rate here - 80%, and they really stare at us when we walk by - not alot of white people here. HOWEVER!!!

Africa is a place of colour. Beautiful bold colours. Bright blue, yellow, pink, red, green. People wear amazing clothing. They paint their buildings amazing colours. There are wonderful animals everywhere. Dogs in the street, goats in the street, cows in the street, rats in the street. Some alive, some dead. And did I mention - people everywhere. And everyone we meet usually smiles at us. They laugh at our attempts to speak Lugandan. They encourage us to speak with them. They try to speak English back.

Jody and I usually wake up to clear skies, the sun rising and chanting from the large Mosque on the distant hill. Then the sky gets hazy as everyone starts their morning cooking fires. And it usually clears by the time we start our walk to the hospital. The scary young guys sitting on their boda-boda's now usually say hello and ask how things are at the hospital. We are getting more adept at leaping over the open sewage stream on our trek. Women at Ward 14 (Labour ward) smile and nod at us. They are happy to see us. We are happy to see them.

Africa is good!!!

From Tina

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New blog with pictures for our kids

hey - make sure to check out

We wanted to make a page where we could post more pictures for our kids. Between us we have 16 children!

So, check out our other page to see more of your mom's adventures not as related to birth.

Missing you,

Your moms

Surprise twin birth with almost no supplies

A week ago I could hardly believe I could attend a woman in labour without at least some medical supplies. What about the linens we use in Canada, the blue pads which we throw out mindlessly, the fancy doppler we use to hear the heartbeat every 5 minutes when pushing? But today I caught one of a set of twins (a girl) using nothing more than two pairs of gloves on, some cotton (think of a roll of cotton balls), one needle and syringe with Oxytocin and a razor blade to cut the umbilical cords. Oh and a fabulous preceptor who when I said : 'Angela the placenta is right there, I know I feel it but it won't come' she simply replied 'oh that because its a bum not a placenta' --- right then--- and calmly delivered the breech (bum first) baby boy.

We used, as we do for every birth, the edges of our gloves to tie the umbilical cords and mom's cloths for drying the baby. Mom was fine, fed the babies minutes later was up eating and walking within 30 minutes. We gave her some donatedblankets, lovely hand knit sweaters and dolls which she seemed to love.

The sad side of not having access to any medical supplies is that of course there are more deaths here than we have in Canada and I don't want to downplay the significance of seeing babies wrapped in their mother's cloths after passing away. I don't wish for us to celebrate using nothing at the expense of mothers and babies but to simply say birth is normal and happens. With or without a doppler and blue pads.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Margaret's birth and more

I had my first catch in Uganda yesterday. It was a lovely quick birth of a fourth baby for a Ugandan woman. His mom was Margaret and I was so pleased to be at her birth. The baby was a healthy 3.7 kgs! I was given the honour of naming the baby so I chose Francis after my dad who passed away over 10 years ago. I will post a picture as soon as I can.

Since yesterday I have also attended the delivery of very preterm twins and another healthy baby girl (4.0 kgs). These births were on the low -risk part of the high risk ward which does about 80 births a day. There is so much to write that I simply can not describe here but will carry with me for years to come.

Thank-you to all who donated hats and booties and baby blankets and other donations. The moms appreciate them greatly. They are particularly helpful when the mom has nothing with her. The supplies for the hospital have been essential to us being able to do our work. Thank-you to all!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sarah's first birth

So - Jody and I went to Ward 14 with Cathy first thing in the morning. Wouldn't you know it - a woman was delivering right away. So I had a pretty quick orientation before gloving up! The woman was a first time mom and was so focussed and very sweet. Although pushing very hard, she always had a big smile in between contractions. We found very quickly that the language difference was a challenge. Although she spoke excellent English, it was hard to find the right words for coaching with your hands gloved up and sterile/non-sterile and the handy pocket card of terms ... in your pocket!

Cathy and Angela were AMAZING preceptors and very good at being there for you while letting you just do it! And I sutured!

A lovely baby girl arrived and was named "Jody" as the mom requested I name the baby with a "J" name for a girl. We came up with Josephine or Jody and she picked "Jody." So baby girl Jody goes off to her life in Uganda and we get ready for tomorrow's adventure.

In appreciation,

My first Day

Today was pretty incredible. I attended my first birth on ward 14. Mom was expected to go down to the high risk ward for failure to progress, a multip, that we did not expect. She was 8 cm and not progressing and the head midwife decided to try to let the mom push and push the cervix back and the same time. Thank goodness it worked and I was able to catch the baby, and suture a small second degree tear. It was incredible.
Carole Miceli

Mulago Hospital

We did an introductory tour of Mulago Hospital. It is a huge hospital, taking about 20 minutes to walk from one end to another. We put on our white lab coats. It was quite a sight - 6 white women wearing white lab coats - we didn't pass another white person on our tour. There are two places in Mulago Hospital where women can give birth. One place is called Ward 14. This is for low risk women and averages 20-30 births a day. The other place is called Lower Mulago, is for high risk women and averages 80 births a day. When we passed this ward, there were women sitting on benches, women lying on the floor, women lying on beds and women waiting on the stairs. The nurses on Lower Mulago are very committed, but lack the numbers and resources to provide the care they want to. Women in both areas dont face the choices women in Canada do. There are no "choices" around childbirth. There is no entenox, morphine, fentanyl or epidurals to help with pain. There aren't even showers or baths or support people. It is simply women labouring, on their own, in beds, side by side. There is not a choice around "what to wear". Instead, women are wrapped in an amazing variety of colour and fabric, but definitely not in a hospital gown. So, we start attending births now, learning what we can, providing hands as we can. There is so much to do.

Tina from Kampala

Sunday, May 31, 2009

All work and no play?

KID'S POST: british things

A british ambulance - YELLOW!

And a strange little toilet!

Staring at the lovely british countryside and looking at planes!

update from enroute:

We successfully got our 400lbs of medical supplies on this airplane. British Airways kindly waived the overweight charges for us - although only 1 bag was over. So, we were over because 50 more receiving blankets got to go for the babies. YAY.

Saw a beautiful sunset on the flight. We flew over Hudsons' Bay, and Baffin Island and Greenland and Ireland, then Heathrow. The british countryside looked so lovely and a green and pretty and emerald-like. The flight was long, but British Airways took good care of us. And we all remembered our Malarone!

So, we are sititng at Heathrow drinking (expensive) British starbucks.

We miss you all already, but we are really on the adventure now....


Sarah, Tina, Carole, and Jody

Thursday, May 28, 2009

All packed and ready to go...

We are all busily packing and sorting and squishing and editing and re-packing. I can honestly say that if it is not in my big pack by now, it isn't coming! I will be driving down to Vancouver tomorrow and then we all meet up at the airport on Saturday. We will try to post whenever we can.

Looking forward to it.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Interview by the Langley Advance Newspaper

You can read more about our trip to Uganda thanks to a fantastic article written by the Langley Advance. The link to the online article is below. Thank-you to the writer, Heather Colpitts, and to Tina for doing the interview. We leave in three days and will post more to this site as soon as possible.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Welcome to our blog. We are third year UBC students - Carole, Jody, Sarah and Tina. We will be in Uganda from June to mid-July 2009 as part of our 4 year UBC degree in Midwifery. This elective placement has us in low resource labour and delivery wards in Kampala and Masaka. We are supervised by UBC instructors and two BC RMs as well as Ugandan midwives and physicians. We have set up this blog to share our experience and so our friends and family can keep track of us in Africa this summer.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Honorary Consulate to Uganda in Vancouver

The Honorary Consulate to Uganda in Vancouver hosted a dinner for us and our instructor Lorna at Samosa Gardens restaurant.  We had the pleasure of meeting the Honorary Consulate to Uganda along with other individuals who were from Uganda. The evening was very important to us and we had a great time.  We hope to see the group again at a fundraiser for the Jan Project ( which trains Ugandan medical residents and provides medical equipment and supplies. Stay tuned for more details and how you can attend. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Where in the world are Sarah, Jody, Carole and Tina?

Hi, everyone. I thought you might want to have a sense of just WHERE it is we are going. We will be landing in Entebbe May 31, then placed in Kampala and Masaka.


Thank-you for visiting our blog. We are currently preparing for our trip to Uganda. Flights are booked, student vaccines are up to date and HIV medication and other supplies are being ordered. Students pay for all of their trip expenses and extra supplies to leave with Ugandan Midwives. This year we have personally purchased enough fetoscopes for each Midwife and HIV medication for the hospital.

What can you do to help? Support UBC Midwifery by donating to: Midwifery Students for Global Citizenship Fund at 604-822-0771 or send a cheque to Division of Midwifery, B54-2194 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1Z3.

All donations are tax deductible and a receipt will be sent to you. Donations of any amount are appreciated.