Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thank you

From Tina, Sarah, Carole and Jody:

Please accept this huge thank you to everyone who supported us to and through this amazing journey. We are all extremely grateful and touched to have had the opportunity.

Thanks to all the donors and helpers and knitters and crafters and advice-givers and drivers who did their part to make this journey easier on us and gave so generously to the moms and babes we were so lucky to support.

We attended hundreds of women and helped over 150 babies into the world. Thank you.

A huge thank you also goes to our fearless leader, Cathy and her amazing crew of preceptors/life coaches/travelling companions who also gave of their time and energy to walk along side us through the maze of international health and childbearing. And they did it with grace (literally), and empathy, and kindness, and humour, and generosity. Thank you.

And thank you to all the Ugandan health care professionals that allowed us onto their wards and into the reality of their experience. And to the Ugandan drivers and hotel staff who looked after us during our time there.

And, although I write this at the behest of Tina and Jody and Carole, I would also like to thank them, personally, for being so amazing. I am jealous of the many lucky women who will have one them as their midwife over the many years of practice to come.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


1 comment:

  1. what an amazing journey. I was at Mulago from July 23 to Aug 3 with the Duke Neurosurgery Team Training Mission. I went to the Labour Suite and med Dr Josephat, Dr Kate, Sister Rose and Sister Alice. I offered to teach NRP and brought new reusable ambu bags and new bulb syringes. I would love to hear more about your experiences. I was hoping to link a USA support team to this impoverished unit to help them work in a safer environment and achieve better neonatal outcomes. Please write back, to Pam @
