Sunday, May 31, 2009

All work and no play?


  1. You guys are so on top of things ... posting to the blog already ... and pictures yet. I see you are roughing it (belinis and starbucks). Is Jody getting ready for deprivation (nescafe)? You look like you are having a ton of fun already.

  2. Wah Tina! I missed saying good bye... my dear friend ... soak it up "you Midwife you"... I love it!
    Hugs all around!

  3. You guys look like you are having a blast. The dept. just posted the academic calendar in an email and wow does it ever seem crazy that we will be in 4th year soon! I am so happy for you guys to be getting all this experience. Can't wait to see more pics. How hot does it get? What's the money look like? What do most people eat? Whose hair is twice as big because of humidity (or, who is rocking a Uganda-fro?). Miss you guys. Take good care of each other.
    xoxo amelia
